Courses - Weave
emPOWERme health program


emPOWERme courseWe all want to be awesome and we all want to be healthy.

We go through life trying to figure out what that means for us. How do we reach that lush place of health when we are all different and our healthy life choices are all different?
In this six week you will find out what you biology is telling you about how you can optimise your health, happiness and your awesome factor. It is going to be a ride.
You will get an epigentic personal health assessment done, get a year's access to both this course and and you extensive epigentic profile, monthly profile updates as well as a virtual coach.
Plus a monthly drop in group coaching sessions.
Sign on up and come and grow an understanding of your health that you have dreamed of.

Go to the emPOWERme course area

emPOWERme health program

emPOWERme Plus

This is the 6 month emPOWERme PLUS Program.

Great teams

You have access to the the emPOWERme course here

circle of safety

The following modules will have resources that you can use over the next 6 months.

Shae wellness app


Detox this month!

It is a health type based detox. The detox is 4 weeks

  • one week of prep
  • 2 weeks of detox
  • one week of maintenance (healthy eating)