Your Elemental Productivity Type
Working with the elements is a powerful way to both understand your productivity style and to find ways to enhance your ability to make the most of each moment.
We live in a world of distractions, busyness, and an endless hunt to do more, be more, create more and achieve more. Learning more about your own style and your own way to approach the doing side of life can be really powerful. Below you can read you on your productivity type, what its strengths and challenges are, and learn some approaches that help this type to be more productive.
Now while you will have one dominate type, all these elements are at play for all of us. You can use the tips and approaches from all the types to find the most potent approach for you.
Click on your type below to get a more detail description
The Elemental Productivity Types

Air Dancer
Air Dancers are the planner, the thinkers, the visionaries and the creative souls. When you have the Air Dancer with you are quick-witted, fast thinking and have new ideas coming at a mile a minute. It is a very inspiring element to work with when you are visioning and planning.
Quick thinking
Lots of ideas
Great vision
Creative and innovative
Can get lost in ideas
Do more planning than doing
Can lose focus easily
Best productivity Strategies for Air Dancers
Earth Holder
Earth holders are deep thinking and grounded. If this is you, you like well-thought-out action and things to be done well. Sometimes slow get started, once you are focused on a task you keep at it until it is completed. Your ability to stay focused it admired by all
Deep thinking
Changing to new things
Stressed by the need to make quick decisions
Need blocks of time to allow you to go deep
Best productivity Strategies for Earth Holders
Fire Starter
Fire starters are deeply connected to their passion. When you are in fire starter mode, you work hard and fast, burning brightly getting masses of things done quickly. You are fuelled by your passion and what you are driven to do. Watch out for burnout if you don’t replenish yourself often.
Fast working
All in
Can burn out easily
More interested in doing than planning
Can become disengaged if worn out or have lost interest
Best productivity Strategies for Fire Starters
Water Weaver
Water weavers are the masters of flow. They work best when plans are loose, and there are other people around to collaborate with. They love the feeling of being part of a team and working to rise together. While going with the flow, amazing things get done.
Easy going
Get pulled into other peoples agendas
Can lose direction
Can find working alone difficult or boring